Car park in Le Croisic
Many car parks (1075 spaces!) await your cars while you enjoy your stay... and they are all free!
Free parking
Place Dinan (except market days) - 70 seats
Place du Requiert (behind Place Dinan) - 30 seats
Rue Laënnec - 26 seats
Car park of the Tr vehicle, quay Port Charly - 40 seats
Parking of the cooperative, rue de Kerdavid - 50 seats
Parking Legeay, rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau - 30 seats
On the Port
Free parking
Place de la Croix de Ville (near the Marina) - 60 seats
Place du 8 Mai 1945 (near the Ancienne Criée) - 350 seats
Place d'Armes (near the Criée) - 120 seats
Wild coast
Free parking
Saint-Goustan car park, avenue de Saint-Goustan - 29 seats
Castouillet car park - 16 seats
Vigie car park - 70 seats
Sable Menu car park (facing the beach) - 29 seats
Place du Général de Gaulle (facing the beach) - 73 seats
Pre burned car park, avenue de Castouillet - 52 seats
Public toilets
Since the summer of 2015, the town of Le Croisic has been equipped with self-cleaning toilets
Frequency of cleaning public toilets:
July and August: 2 to 3 times a day, from Monday to Sunday.
September to June: once a day, Monday to Friday.
Public restrooms Free
Accessible to people with reduced mobility
Mont-Esprit : 0.2 km *
Port Lin : 1.5 km *
Saint-Goustan : 2.0 km *
Les Sables car park : 2 km *
Castouillet : 2.5 km *
Market Halls (open during the markets)
* Distance from the Tourist Office
Public restrooms Pay
Accessible to people with reduced mobility
Self-cleaning: 0.50 €
Old auction : 200 m *
Post Office : 150 m *
Place d'Armes : 700 m *
* Distance from the Tourist Office